Centre funéraire Jacques & Fils Crématorium


Edouard Randall

Au CIUSSS de l’Estrie CHUS – CSSS du Granit de Lac-Mégantic,

le 5 avril 2024 à l’âge de 78 ans,

est décédé M. Edouard Randall,

fils de feu Harry Randall et de feu Violette Cassidy,

époux de feu Diane Bégin,

demeurant à Chartierville et natif de Windsor.


La crémation a été confiée au crématorium Jacques & Fils de Lac-Mégantic.


M. Edouard Randall laisse dans le deuil


Ses sœurs et beaux-frères :

Rachel Randall (feu Laurent Latulippe)

Alice Normand

Rita (Jacques Roux)

Odette Pelletier


Ses neveux et nièces :

Lise, Lorraine et Denis Latulippe

Peter Mitchell

feu Karen Laroche

Josée et Mélanie Randall

Sonia et Dany Thomas

Jacques Jr. et Carol-Ann Roux


Son amie :

Pierrette Laramée


Il laisse également dans le deuil cousins, cousines, autres parents et amis.


Les services professionnels ont été confiés au Complexe Funéraire Jacques & Fils Inc.; entreprise funéraire familiale reconnue Distinction par la corporation des Thanatologues du Québec (CTQ) et de la norme de prestation de services à la clientèle du Bureau de la normalisation du Québec (BNQ). Nous faisons partie du Partenariat Professionnel en Rituels Funéraires (PRF) pour solidifier notre engagement au BNQ.


Près de vous avec dignité, discrétion, empathie et respect.

Envoyer des fleurs

Les Merveilles d'Anabelle

3770 rue du Québec-Central, G6B 2C4

Téléphone : 819-554-8999
Télécopieur : 819-554-8929
Internet : http://www.lesmerveillesdanabelle.com


Cher oncle! Quel personnage!!! Tu fais partie de mes souvenirs d enfance! Toujours le sourire....on se sentais tjrs unique et spécial en ta compagnie....comme enfant tu me donnais toute ton attention .on se sentait aimé de Toi!!! Merci, pour cette générosité ! C est le temps pour TOI de recevoir l Amour!!! Repose en Paix !!! ( ta p tite chinoise ) comme tu m appelais ! Amour !


Hello uncle eddy! I heard that you weren’t feeling well… I didn’t heard from you for a while now, i wanted you to know that even though I’m not here for you right now.. you’re here with me in my heart and you’ll always be. When we used to text together at first I didn’t knew who you were, but with time I started to see you as my uncle and I really was looking forward to meet you soon. Time was quicker than us but I’m sure we’ll meet again someday up there. I know it’s probably scary to think about all of that, well… I don’t know about you but I am. The unknown always’s kinda frightening. Just know that I’ll be praying for you. You gotta be faithful. I just hope that your rest will be as peaceful as possible cus you deserve it. You’ve always been a great man towards my family. My mom even says that you’re like her second dad cus you’ve been so good towards her and her siblings. You took care of her when times were though and I am and always be thankful to you for it. I love you uncle eddy ?? Watch out for my mom and I from where you’ll be -With all of my heart and love, your niece Amy-

Amy cliche

Hello uncle eddy! I heard that you weren’t feeling well… I didn’t heard from you for a while now, i wanted you to know that even though I’m not here for you right now.. you’re here with me in my heart and you’ll always be. When we used to text together at first I didn’t knew who you were, but with time I started to see you as my uncle and I really was looking forward to meet you soon. Time was quicker than us but I’m sure we’ll meet again someday up there. I know it’s probably scary to think about all of that, well… I don’t know about you but I am. The unknown always’s kinda frightening. Just know that I’ll be praying for you. You gotta be faithful. I just hope that your rest will be as peaceful as possible cus you deserve it. You’ve always been a great man towards my family. My mom even says that you’re like her second dad cus you’ve been so good towards her and her siblings. You took care of her when times were though and I am and always be thankful to you for it. I love you uncle eddy ?? Watch out for my mom and I from where you’ll be -With all of my heart and love, your niece Amy-

Amy cliche